APWU health plan eligibility: See if you are eligible for benefits

APWU health plan eligibility: See if you are eligible for benefits

Anyone living in this world is looking to stay fit. Whether it is about going for a walk, entering the gym, or looking for fitness tips online at websites like fitclown, people tend to adopt things that keep them healthy. And when you get a bit older, the health and its importance are taken to a new level. The health issues are common with the old people that are retired. Moreover, even the youngsters and adults that are working tirelessly are coming across many health problems. Therefore, the American Postal Workers Union has announced the APWU health plan. It is to lower the money that you spend on your health care and medical and provide you multiple medical facilities.

The eligibility for APWU health care plan is pretty simple. First of all, you need to be an American citizen. When you go to them for benefits, they will ask you a question at first. It is about the current status of your employment that whether you are actively employed or retired or have any other status. For people that are actively employed and retired, further inquiry will be made before allowing them to enroll in a particular program.

Actively employed
If you are actively employed, they will ask you a few questions further ahead. You will be required to let them know where you are employed at the moment. There are three main options. First is the Postal Service, second being Federal government while third will be the ‘other.’ If you choose other, you will be held ineligible for the health plan.

For the people that choose postal service as their employment sector, they will be asked about the area of their service. There are four categories in which service area is divided. First of all, it is bargaining unit that includes clerk, maintenance, motor vehicle or other support services. The next category is non-bargaining unit which includes all the leadership and management posts. The third option will be of the rural carrier while the last one being other postal worker such as NALC or NPMHU etc. Choosing any option will ensure that you get the services.
For the people that are actively employed and choose a federal government, they will simply be able to enroll themselves in the desired program.

For the people that choose retired when they are asked about their employment status, they need to let the authorities know about their employment sector as well. Again, there are three choices that include Postal Service, Federal Government, and others. For people that fall in others category, the services are not available. However, if you choose Postal service, they will ask one more question which will be your membership status in concern with APWU. No matter if you are a member or not, you will be able to benefit from the health plan.
People who choose federal government as their sector of service will simply be help eligible for the health plan of APWU.

So, the above is eligibility criteria of APWU health plan. If you fulfill the requirements, there are two plans for you to choose from. The first one is a high option which is seen as a premium plan. The second option will be a consumer driven option. Know what you are getting into your plan before you make a choice.

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